Read Your Bill

- Bimonthly Water Usage: Shown on a calendar basis.
- Account Number: Refer to this number when you inquire about your account. Write it on your check if paying by mail.
- Service Dates: Typical cycle is 60 days.
- Due Date: This is the date your payment is due. Payment made after this date may be subject to a 7.25% late charge.
- Meter Reading: These are the readings taken from the meter on the specified dates
- a)Previous Balance: Any amounts that are past due will appear in this section and give additional due dates, as applicable.
b) Water Charge: This charge is for the purchase of water. It is based on the actual amount of water used. Usage is calculated in 100 cubic feet (748 gallons).
Periodically, the fees and charges are reviewed and adjusted to conform to the costs corresponding to the services, commodities and facilities to which they pertain.
c) Water System Fee: Each water customer pays a periodic system charge for water system replacement, maintenance and operation expenses. The charge is based on the size of the meter and class of service. - Charging Teirs: Tiers of charges based on consumption; high-end users pay higher tiered rates.
- Service Address: May be different from the mailing address.
- Statement Portion Of The Bill: Keep this portion for your records.
- Current Charges: Total amount due by due date
- Detachable Invoice Portion Of Your Bill: Please include this with your payment in the envelope provided.