Documents & Links
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Discontinuance of Residential Water Service Policy
- 蒙塔拉水務和衛生局 (MONTARA WATER AND SANITARY DISTRICT) 有關中斷住宅供水服務的政策
- 몬타라 수도위생국 생활용수 서비스 중단에 관한 정책
Planning Documents
Facilities Master Plan
- Master Plan Presentation March 17, 2011 - Public workshop at Seton Coastside
- Master Plan Presentation February 2, 2011
- Water System Master Plan - updated June 2017
About the Water System Master Plan and the availability of connections to MWSD’s water system.
Background — In 2003 MWSD acquired the privately-owned water system serving the Montara-Moss Beach area in the County of San Mateo.
In the 1980s, the company that owned the system was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission to establish a moratorium upon new water connections to the system due to its substandard condition and lack of water resources. Upon purchasing the system with funds from a bond issue approved by over 80% of the voters within MWSD’s territory, the system came under MWSD’s local regulatory and operational control, but the moratorium was necessarily continued by MWSD due to the condition of the system.
MWSD has made substantial infrastructure improvements, implemented operational efficiencies and initiated conservation measures, all of which have contributed to the increased availability of water as documented in the Water System Master Plan recently updated and approved by MWSD’s governing Board. Accordingly, the Board has repealed the moratorium. Consequently, the availability of water is now directly related to data and projections included in the Master Plan.
MWSD’S Role — MWSD is a special district that provides water and sewerage service. It does not issue building permits or control development. Except for water service that may be provided to property that has already been developed and is served by on-site wells, new connections may only be made for property approved for development by the County of San Mateo, subject to the County’s building, planning and zoning regulations and the County’s Local Coastal Program
Strategic Plan
Public Works Plan
Approved by the Coastal Commission December 2013. The plan includes 1.1 million gallons of new water storage, the Alta Vista well, and a new water treatment facility.
Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)
The Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) has been prepared in compliance with requirements of the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) pursuant to Section 13267 of the California Water Code, and the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. 2006-0003-DWQ.
- Sewer System Management Plan:
- Element I: Goals
- Element II: Organization
- Element III: Overflow Emergency Response Plan
- Element IV: Fats, Oils and Grease Control Program
- Element V: Legal Authority
- Element VI: Measures and Activities
- Element VII: Design and Construction
- Element VIII: Capacity Management
- Element IX: Monitoring, Measurement, and Program Modifications
- Element X: SSMP Audits
- Element XI: Communication Plan
- SSMP Attachments 1-8:
- Attachment 1: SAM JPA
- Attachment 2: SAM Member Agency Maintenance Agreement
- Attachment 3: Overflow Emergency Response Plan (OERP) Handbok
- Attachment 4: Sanitary Sewer Overflow and Backup Response Plan Overview
- Attachment 5: Pump Station Flow Statistics, Pump Station Network, Sewer Drainage Zones, Pump Station Vicinity Map, Pump Station Operating Procedures Workbook
- Attachment 6: Pump Station Site Specific Emergency Response Plans
- Attachment 7: State of CA SSO Public Report, 2007-2014 - CIWQS
- Attachment 8: MWSD SSO Graphs Over Last 7 Years
- SSMP Appendices A-F:
- Appendix A: MWSD Sanitary Sewer Facility Maps
- Appendix B: SAM Sewer System Key Map (For Reference Only)
- Appendix C: State SSMP Requirements-2005, 2006
- Appendix D: State SSO Reduction Program and Summary Report-2013
- Appendix E: State WDR Requirements-2013
- Appendix F: State ASBS Drainage and Discharge Requirements-2012, GIS Map of Fitzgerald Drainage Basin
Water Quality Reports
We are pleased to report continued compliance of your local water with all federal and state drinking water regulations. Every year our certified water quality staff or outside state-certified labs conduct about 1,200 analyses to ensure your water is safe.
To learn more about the quality of the water click on the links below
More About How We Continue Improving Water Quality
Since the community acquired the water system in 2003, we have made significant improvements, which have resulted in water quality improvements in turbidity, iron, nitrates, and color. To ensure future water quality and system reliability, the District is actively implementing a comprehensive program of system improvements, including the design and construction of additional storage facilities and a centralized water treatment facility. The District is committed to the responsible management of local water resources and has designed these projects to maximize system reliability while minimizing costs and environmental impacts.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2023 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2022 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2021 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2020 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2019 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2018 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2017 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2016 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2015 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2014 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2013 Annual water consumer confidence report.
- Consumer Confidence Report – Calendar year 2012 Annual water consumer confidence report.
Clean Water Act
The link below provides interesting information about the Federal Clean Water Act. The Clean Water Act prevents direct discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States through a program known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES"). The NPDES program has very strict requirements, but it only applies to certain types of water pollution. The program regulates only "point sources" of pollution, which means that pollutants must be carried to the water body by an individual and direct conveyance, such as a pipe or storm drain -- such as from a wastewater treatment plant.
Solid Waste
Standard Specifications
- Standard Sewer Specifications – the entire standard specifications describing standards for construction for all District sewage facilities (i.e., sewer laterals, mains, etc.) updated 12/17.
- Standard Sewer Specifications – Attachment A: Specifications for Lateral Sewers.
- Standard Sewer Specifications – standard plans.
- Standard Water Specifications – the entire standard specifications describing standards for construction for all District water facilities.
Legal, Regulatory and Permits
Water & Sanitary Code Updated April 2024
The Water and Sanitary Code contains Ordinances (laws) passed by the Board of Directors and enforced by the District.
Sanitary Sewer Overflows
Click on the link below to see a record of Sanitary Sewer Overflows. This is tracked by Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside, the regional sewage treatment plant services and sewer system maintenance provider.
Public Records Request
The California Public Records Act is legislation that ensures public records maintained by Governmental bodies are available for public access without hindrance or restriction.
Municipal Service Review
A Municipal Service Review (MSR) is a comprehensive study to determine the adequacy of governmental services being provided by the local agencies under Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) jurisdiction. A link to the latest MSR is found below.
SB 272 Enterprise System Catalog Statement
Regulatory Approval and Permit Information Links
Building a house, remodeling, adding a room? Here are some links to local agencies for information, regulatory approval and permits:
- Montara Water and Sanitary District
Clemens Heldmaier, General Manager
Telephone: 650.728.3545 e-mail: - County of San Mateo, Planning and Building Department
Telephone: 650.363.4161 e-mail:
Step-By-Step - Guide to the San Mateo County permitting process - Local Coastal Program (LCP) Updated Planning map
- San Mateo County Public GIS Viewer
- California Coastal Commission, North Central Coast District
- Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside
- California Department of Public Health
- County of San Mateo, Assessor/County Clerk/Recorder/Elections
- Contractors State License Board
- Midcoast Community Council
Policy on Acquiring Personal Services
Policy on Reserves
Financial Transactions Report
The District is required to submit a financial transaction report to State Controller within 7 months after the close of the fiscal year. The report provides a variety of financial information: balance sheet, debt, fund balances, revenue, etc.
- Link to State Controller's office
- 2020 California State Controller's Annual Special Districts Transactions Report
Pension Investment Portfolios
The links below are prospectuses for the finance portfolio the District chose for its defined benefit retirement plan. The chosen Plan is Highmark's Capital Appreciation Investment Plan and is administered by Public Agency Retirement System (PARS).
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Core S&P 500 ETF | IVV | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares S&P 500 Value ETF | IVE | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares S&P 500 Growth ETF | IVW | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Russell Mid-Cap Value ETF | IWS | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Russell Mid-Cap Growth ETF | IWP | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Russell 2000 Value ETF | IWN | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF | IWO | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares MSCI EAFE ETF | EFA | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Prospectus - iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF | AGG | NYSE ARCA
- 2015 Summary Prospectus - SPDR ® EURO STOXX 50 ® ETF
- 2015 Summary Prospectus - SPDR ® Barclays High Yield Bond ETF